16. Compliance Tab

Note: The Compliance tab is currently available to program officers, and will eventually be made available to center directors.

The Compliance tab allows one to quickly determine which service providers are providing information with integrity. The Compliance tab can be thought of as a “report card”, reflecting the level of consistency in which each service provider is contributing information relevant to ACCESS from a “job level” as well as “resource level”.

Compliance tab.png

Fig. 16.1 Compliance tab


Fig. 16.2 Requirements Listing in the Compliance tab

Under the Compliance tab, requirements are displayed in the left-most column.

Job-Level requirements (Fig. 16.2 a) represent the attributes which are to be supplied or associated with each job record that gets submitted to the ACCESS allocation service.

Resource-Level requirements (Fig. 16.2 b) are attributes which comprise the technical specification of the resource.

Requirements in black text are supported by ACCESS. Requirements in gray text are proposed by the TAS team. Due to this fact, any proposed requirements will not currently be provided on behalf of any resource (hence n/p will be present in respective cells of the grid).

If more information is associated with a given requirement it can be found by hovering over the image57 icon to the right of its name.


Figure 14-2: Requirements Listing in the Compliance tab

To determine compliance at a job-level, raw job records from the ACCESS allocation service are analyzed on a daily basis. The first row immediately under the Job Level header reflects this raw job record count.


Fig. 16.3 Job Record count as determined from the XDcDB

For a given resource, raw (un-sanitized) job records pertaining to that resource were collected via the ACCESS allocations service. Of those collected records, it was determined that only a fraction (or subset) of those records consisted of a meaningful value that represented the number of cores charged, SUs charged, etc. This fraction is represented as a percentage in the table cell where the requirement row and the resource column intersect.

Note: It is important to note that a “job record” does not correspond to a single job. Each resource’s definition of a “job” varies.

To determine compliance at a resource-level, the Resource Description Repository (RDR) is analyzed on a daily basis. If values pertaining to requirements are present in the RDR for a given day, then the resource is considered to be in compliance for that day. The percentage for resource-level compliance takes into account the number of days (within the given timeframe) the RDR was consulted, and of those consultations, how many times values existed which represented resource specifications such as operating system, node count, processor type, etc.

To view more details about a particular compliance value, simply click on the cell of interest. As a result, the Description section at the bottom will provide more information.


Fig. 16.4 Description associated with a cell in the Compliance grid

Note that the nature of the description changes, depending on whether you click on a cell in the job-level or resource-level category.

16.1. Scheduled Compliance Reports

Provided that you have the necessary privileges to view the Compliance tab, you will also be able to set up periodic delivery of resource compliance status through the Report Generator In the My Reports section of the Report Generator, click on the New Based On button, then click on the template named Monthly Compliance Report. As a result, a new report will be made available to you, already configured for monthly delivery to the email address associated with your XDMoD account.


Fig. 16.5 Creating a compliance report to be delivered on a monthly basis